Thursday, August 29, 2019

Antilock Brake System Abs Model Based Design Computer Science Essay

Antilock Brake System Abs Model Based Design Computer Science Essay An Antilock Brake System (ABS) is a closed loop control system that modulates the brake torque that is applied to the wheel in order to prevent the controlled wheel from becoming fully locked. ABS is among the most important safety systems in a vehicle. In automatic highway system, automatic brake actuation is a very important part of the overall vehicle control system. It prevents the wheel lock-up under critical braking conditions, such as those encountered with wet or slippery road surfaces and driver panic reaction (Bosch, 1995). By preventing the wheel lock-up, ABS ensures that the vehicle remains responsive to steering wheel inputs. Reduced stopping distance on account of ABS is more evident on wet or slippery road surfaces (Garrick et al., 1998). 1.2 MODEL BASED DESIGN Designers of embedded control system software face difficult challenges. In addition to the need to complete projects at low cost and within tight schedules, embedded control system software designers must prov ide predictable performance and competitive features for the products they deliver. Traditional methods of designing, testing, and implementing embedded control systems cause designers to wait until late in the design effort, when actual or prototype products and real-time embedded targets become available, to find out if software really works as it was intended to. Only then, as system integration occurs, can the designer uncover the errors that may have found their way into the product during the early design stages. Model-Based Design with MathWorks tools provides a proven technique for creating embedded control systems. It is used today for satellites, aircraft, and many other aerospace applications, in the automotive industry, and for process control, computer peripherals and industrial machinery. Through Model-Based Design, embedded control system design teams can begin evaluating software designs without using prototype products and real-time targets. The MathWorks environmen t for Model-Based Design allows engineers to mathematically model the behavior of the physical system, design the software and model its behavior, and then simulate the entire system model to accurately predict and optimize performance. The system model becomes a specification from which you can automatically generate real-time software for testing, prototyping, and embedded implementation, thus avoiding manual effort and reducing the potential for errors. Fig 1.1. Model-Based Design for embedded control system software Changes or corrections to the system requirements and specifications are easily incorporated into the model, fully evaluated by simulation, and automatically reflected in the final real-time embedded software. 1.3. MODELING AND SIMULATION To effectively design an embedded control system and accurately predict its performance, designers must understand the behavior of the entire system in which the control system will reside. MATLAB and Simulink form the core environm ent for Model-Based Design for creating accurate, mathematical models of physical system behavior. The graphical, block-diagram paradigm of the MathWorks environment lets you drag-and-drop predefined modeling elements, connect them together, and create models of dynamic systems. These dynamic systems can be continuous-time, multi-rate discrete-time, or virtually any combination of the three. You can create custom model elements or reuse legacy code-based models by incorporating C, Fortran, or Ada code directly into the modeling environment.

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