Sunday, September 29, 2019

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Analyses how the writer created a subliminal message in the written or visual text In the play and film Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, a subliminal message was Macbeth questioning his sexuality. Techniques that helped me to understand this were 21 SST century song lyrics, film techniques, and Wisped. The audience first question Machete's sexuality in the beginning of the play, when Lady Macbeth convinces him to kill Duncan because she thinks Macbeth has a secret crush on the King.Lady Macbeth Is Jealous because King Duncan has more followers on Instating, which Is why she forces Macbeth Into stabbing Duncan In his sleep. A technique that helped me to understand why Macbeth would never love Lady Macbeth Is when she says that â€Å"thy haters guan hate, hate, hate† so she will just â€Å"shake it off, shake it off'. This showed the audience what a bad choice Macbeth made when he married her, and this is obviously why he turned gay. We then see the subliminal message o f Macbeth questioning his sexuality when he kills Banana.Macbeth does this because Banana rejected him, and Macbeth is embarrassed so he sides to kill Banana for turning him down. A technique that helped me to understand why Banana rejected Macbeth is when we see Machete's Shiite haircut, which he probably only paid $2 for. This helped the audience to realize why Banana didn't want to â€Å"swing from thy chandelier† with Macbeth, and this showed me how important a good haircut is if you want someone to love you. We finally accept the subliminal message of Machete's sexuality when Lady Macbeth kills herself because she realizes Macbeth is gay.After walking around without any clothes on to try and win Macbeth back, Lady Macbeth can tell that he â€Å"don't want none unless you got buns hunt†, which she obviously doesn't have. This leads to her Jumping Off building and splattering onto the floor. Macbeth doesn't seem to grieve when he hears that she is dead, and a techni que that helped me to understand this is when we see a close up of his face. You can tell by looking at his eyebrows that he is actually overjoyed that Lady Macbeth is dead, because now he can run away with Macadam.Through the use of 21 SST century song lyrics, film techniques, and Wisped, Shakespeare wanted us to understand how Macbeth was actually homosexual. This helped the audience to realize that Shakespeare was probably gay too, and this was his way of come out without being accused of doing It for rewets. Macbeth by William Shakespeare: Macbeth Questioning His Sexuality By Laboriousness's this were 21st century song lyrics, film techniques, and Wisped. The audience first King.Lady Macbeth is Jealous because King Duncan has more followers on Instating, which is why she forces Macbeth into stabbing Duncan in his sleep. A Macbeth is when she says that â€Å"thy haters guan hate, hate, hate† so she will Just didn't want to â€Å"swing from thy chandelier† with Macbe th, and this showed me how buns hunt†, which she obviously doesn't have. This leads to her Jumping off a building Through the use of 21st century song lyrics, film techniques, and Wisped, his way of come out without being accused of doing it for rewets.

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