Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pharmacology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Pharmacology - Assignment Example Activated tyrosine kinase in turn activates the signalling pathways such as protein kinase C pathway, Scaffolding proteins, Ras/Raf mitogen – activated protein kinase pathway, and phosphoinositol 3’ – kinase/Akt pathway (Arora and Scholar, 2005). These activated pathways alter the DNA synthesis along with cell growth, differentiation, and others. Almost all the TKI have side effects. The common side effects of TKI are anaemia, neutropenia, oedema, thrombopenia, hypothyroidism, diarrhoea, and vomiting (Hartmann et al., 2009). At the same time, TKI molecules are now approved for clinical trials in human. TKI application for cancer treatment in dogs and cats was approved earlier, with TKI drugs such as Palladia (Toceranid), Gleevec (imatinid) and Kinavet (mastinib) (London, 2009). Before conducting the safety pharmacology tests, the regulatory guidelines for testing the undesirable pharmacodynamics effects on physiological functions should be focused. This is because, in the early phase pharmacology studies, all risk factors can be found out and eliminated. TKI are found to have adverse cardiovascular effects. So, when testing TKI in dogs and cats, telemetry has to be used for the continuous monitoring of systemic arterial pressure and chronotropic effects. The pharmacodynamic effects of TKI can be determined in the organs using tumor specimens. Surrogate marker can be used as an alternative approach. These tissues act as human models and TKI effect on these tissues reveals the potential effects of TKI molecules. (Kufe et al., 2003). These pharmacological screening methods enable the scientists to find out the adverse effects of TKI, and facilitate them to come up with ways on how the programme should be modified for human safety. The effect of the drug in or gan function, and importantly the relevance of its potential in humans

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